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Field Essays campaign launch
Field Essays just launched its brand new crowdfunding campaign on Kiss Kiss Bank Bank. Support us and join the campaign now!
13/01/2015 -
Working on a new Field Essays video
The coming month, I’ll be working with my favorite camera man, Roel van Tour, on a teaser video for the upcoming issue of Field Essays, which we will use for a crowd funding campaign on…
15/11/2014 -
Field Essays exhibition at TENT.Rotterdam
– press release – FACE VALUE, TENT.Rotterdam 17.11.2011 – 08.01.2012 11.2011, 20:00 hrs – Opening In the exhibition Face Value, four established designers abandon their commercial bestsellers, winning house style designs…
17/11/2011 -
Field Essays featured in group exhibition
Personal retrospective in a group show about blurring boundaries in today’s artistic practices. A chance to figure out how to place Field Essays at the centre of my practice. Part 1 consisted…
16/09/2009 -
preview Field Essays, Issue zero
A test image made by graphic designer Andreas Tscholl for the upcoming issue of Field Essays, Issue zero (planned release 2010). The issue brings together Eindhoven-based duo LucyandBart, who produce bewildering images of our body, with philosopher…
29/01/2009 -
Field Essays presents: LucyandBart
Field Essays is happy to announce its protagonists for the upcoming issue: the Eindhoven-based design duo Lucyandbart (NL/AU). Sometimes it just takes one image to know you want to work with somebody.…
15/01/2008 -
Note on Finding the right attitude
Danièle Rivière, founder of art publisher Dis Voir in Paris, has invited me to work on a series of ten books on design, to be published in the next three years. I take…