For some time now, with School of Verticality, I have been investigating how we can learn to be present to ‘what wants to be known, in the moment’.* All my life something inside me knew horses held some kind of wisdom I couldn’t name. Taking this intuition seriously led me in the last few years to commit to the the Medicine Horse Way, part of Eponaquest. Today, I know deeply, with every part of me, that horses are masters in the art of being present.

After completing the Nature of Wisdom programme in 2022, I completed the Level 1 Medicine Horse Way training in 2023, including 18 sessions with 3 trial clients. I am currently enrolled in Level 2 with Eponaquest Nederland focussing on leadership skills in coaching, and 101 Connections with Linda Kohanov.

About Equine Facilitated Experiental Learning (EFEL)
The Eponaquest program was founded by Linda Kohanov and developed as Medicine Horse Way by Carol Roush; in the Netherlands, Josselien Janssen (Kracht van de Kudde) runs the Nature of Wisdom program and EFEL trainings ; in France, Cécile Gilbert Kiwano (Cégéka) is a forerunner in equicoaching and translator of many of Kohanov’s books; ethologist Hélène Roche studies horse behavior.

Learning with H O R S E S
1:1 Coaching for inner growth.

Are you someone with an interest in self-development, with already some basic body practice (yoga, Qi Qong, Tai Chi, dance, meditation…), and a longing for a deeper connection with yourself and your environment? Do you love being outside and are you curious what you can learn from horses? If this speaks to you, drop me a line so we can make an appointment for an informal intake by phone/video call. I will tell you a bit more about what experiential learning with horses entails, how I structure the sessions, and answer your questions. Together we can see if this program is right for you at this time.

” I remember going from feeling lonely and small in the paddock to relaxed and more conscious towards the end. ” – Seb

” The horse was already responding to me in his behaviour before I realised what I was feeling myself. ” – Céleste

Are you curious what you can learn from horses in relation to (recurrent) issues you are facing? Connect with me on instagram @fieldessays or email me: sophie@sophiekrier.com and I’ll get back to you.

– coaching sessions take place outdoors in The Hague
– no previous experience with horses is required, no riding takes place
– committing to a journey means appr. 3-6 sessions of 2 hours
– a single/introduction session is possible on request
– I offer the sessions in French, English or Dutch
– the sessions are designed for 18+
– to ensure a bias-free process i don’t do sessions with close friends. But I’m more than happy to redirect you to fellow instructors of the Epona Quest 🐴 network.

Are you thinking of a friend who would be into this kind of work?
Feel free to forward this information to them.

Some words about what inhabits me
I am a relational artist and teacher, and zen Buddhist practitioner. In my late forties today, my roots are in Belgium and Luxemburg; having grown up in The Netherlands, I’m fluent in French (mother tongue), Dutch and English. Through the daily work with horses, I gain insight in patterns of behaviour that limit me, and what it takes to function more fluidly in my life and relationships. I also learn, again and again, to set more healthy boundaries and take up the space I need to feel connected and present at any given moment. By learning to become horse-like myself and by training horse speak, I aim to align better with their world, both as a human and as a rider. Lastly, I aim to contribute to a non-violent and socially and culturally diverse equestrian field.

Over the past twenty years, I have taken my own medicine by engaging in various forms of (self)care and nourishing volunteer work: natural horsemanship (Marine Herbelot / Haras de La Cense), Thai massage (Dieke Bikker, Womens’ Alchemy), Body Weather (Astarti Athanasiadou), community gardening (Stadsoase Spinozahof), local food cycles (Lekkernassûh), Soto zen Buddhism (Sangha sans Demeure), Iyengar yoga (Ria Brandon), Qi Qong, cognitive- and Gestalt therapy, hypnosis (Praktijk Uriel), systemic family constellations and mother-daughter workshops (Mayke Smit), and focusing (*Natasha Lythgoe, theartofrewilding.com)

Eager for more?
Visit my profile on My Compas or listen to Horses: learning to be present, Episode 08 of Right to the Soul.

Top slider: impression of coaching sessions in The Hague
Bottom slider: a few of the horse-elders that crossed my path