Things that happened

Field Essays enables listening pauses between thinkers and practitioners in an attempt to weave other histories of the worlds we inhabit.

1  book
4096  image combinations
37  strange but true anecdotes
2  discussions with anthropologist Tim Ingold
1  foreword by Li Edelkoort
1  vinyl
27  minutes of terrific stories and sounds

This third issue, Things that happened, looks into the fascinating work of emerging Icelandic designer Brynjar Sigurðarson, and his at times uneasy encounter with anthropologist Tim Ingold. The publication includes a foreword by Li Edelkoort, a conversation with Tim Ingold on the nature of things and how to approach them, as well as a 12-inch LP for which Sigurðarson collected, recorded, and mixed stories on eery soundscapes. A selection of previously unpublished drawings and writings is included for amateurs of hand-made details, myths, darkness, isolation, micro-history, memory, stones, animals and supernatural.

The book is built any pre-made categories and without any chronology. Photographs, projects made during studies and manufactured objects are juxtaposed without classification. This well-conscious disorder is accentuated by the presence of an horizontal perforation which crosses the entire publication. Pages can be torn in two. Thus, the disorder is amplified. Images and texts combine randomly, forming a multitude of collages (…). This cut resonates with the inclination of the designer to combine different materials to create an object: wood, metal, fur, feather, rope… – ÉricandMarie

Realised in partnership with Onomatopee, the Sandberg Instituut / Studio for Immediate Spaces. Crowdfunded via KissKissBankBank. Sponsored by MUDAM, Villa Noailles Hyères and Galerie Kréo Paris. Graphic design by Ericandmarie.