Note on Circle, triangle, square
The visual language that Brynjar Sigurdarson employs in his body of work has animist traits: materials, shapes and signs interact free of hierarchy, creating haptic narratives. Jivya Soma Mashe’s work was part of the Histoires de Voir exhibit on “animist” art at Fondation Cartier, Paris, in 2012. Stemming from ephemeral ritual Warli art, Jivya’s compelling work is articulated around a vocabulary of triangles (coming from observing mountains), circles (coming from observing the moon and the sun), and squares (referring to the man-made notion of field and thus property). The fishing net is a recurring motif in his paintings made of cow dung and acrylic paint.
Photo Sophie Krier for Field Essays, Issue Two, work in progress, Catalogue Histoires de Voir, Fondation Cartier.
Brushed Path – A Line for Jivya, Richard Long, work in progress. Source